Friday, November 9, 2012

Return On Investment

This week, we talk about how much does social media cost and how we measure social media effect. 

Obviously, social media is not a free way to do marketing. Because it cost time! But what else, people,equipment,energy and technology are all the normal cost. And also we can't forget the opportunity cost.

Return on investment which also can be called ROI stands for gain from investment reduced by cost of investment and than divided by cost of investment. It's a useful ratio to measure whether we should invest or not.
There are several ways to measure the ROI of social media.
1)Look at the page's click rate. We can find how many people saw our pages.
2)Check the number of fllowers, likes and retweets or reposts.
3)We can also google it. See the ranking of our company.

Because I am not a company ,for my self marketing,I will check out the numbers of followers in my twitter and facebook or renren to see whether I'm a good self marketing manager or not!


  1. We always forget that social media are not free so it is good to explain why there is a price for that and how we can measure it.

  2. Great job! I hope it was interesting for you to check out your Ren-Ren figures!
